Unlock your unique weight loss plan

Our new program uses your unique phenotype profile to design a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Join the Waitlist

* At this time, to qualify, you must be 18 or older and DO NOT reside in NY, NJ or RI.

Why use your phenotype?

Think of your phenotype as your body's unique blueprint for weight loss.

Just like fingerprints, everyone has a one-of-a-kind phenotype. It considers things you can see, like your weight, and how your body works on the inside, like how it processes sugar or burns fat.

Understanding your phenotype can be a game-changer for weight loss. It helps us identify what's driving your weight gain and what might be making it tough to lose weight.

MyPhenome™: Your Personalized Weight Loss Roadmap

Developed at Mayo Clinic, MyPhenome™ is a saliva sample test that unlocks insights from your phenotype, such as:

  • Why you might be gaining weight
  • What roadblocks might be slowing down your weight loss
  • The best strategies for YOU to reach your goals, including lifestyle changes or treatments that might be a good fit.

With MyPhenome™, you can ditch the one-size-fits-all plans and focus on what works best for your body.

Unveiling Your Weight Loss Blockers: Why the Scale Isn't Budging

We all know someone who seems to shed pounds effortlessly, while others struggle to lose weight. It's frustrating! The truth is, everyone gains weight for different reasons. MyPhenome™ can help uncover what's holding you back.

By understanding your phenotype, we can identify which of these factors might be affecting you and create a personalized plan to address them.

Hungry Brain

Consuming too many calories without feeling full.

Emotional Hunger

Eating in response to emotional triggers.

Hungry Gut

Feeling hungry shortly after eating.

One-size-fits-all is not working. Alpha recognizes the challenges of weight gain that women face, particularly with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pregnancy, and menopause. The MyPhenome™ Test is a breakthrough in personalized weight loss. It helps us understand your unique body, so we can create a weight loss plan that works for YOU. It’s all about maximizing your chances of success on your weight loss journey.

Dr. Mary Jacobson

How It Works


Sign Up for the Hello Alpha-Phenomix Program

Create an account and complete a short medical intake to receive phenotype-guided care.


Complete the MyPhenome™ Test At Home

You will receive a testing kit in the mail with instructions on how to collect your saliva sample. You will need to mail in the sample for analysis.


Get Your Results and Personalized Weight-Loss Plan

Understand your unique phenome and connect with your Hello Alpha provider to get a personalized weight-loss plan for you.

About the Hello Alpha-Phenomix Program 

Through this program, Hello Alpha providers will guide patients to perform the saliva test, which the Phenomix team will analyze to determine the patient's phenotype profile. Hello Alpha providers will use this information to design a treatment plan personalized for each patient. 

Understanding your phenotype can be a game-changer for weight loss. It helps us identify what's driving your weight gain and what might be making it tough to lose weight.

About Hello Alpha

Hello Alpha champions accessible, high-quality healthcare tailored to women's needs. Our team of experts provides comprehensive care for more than 100 conditions, including weight loss support. Our secure, user-friendly messaging platform allows for 24/7 communication with your dedicated provider, eliminating the need for complex apps or scheduling in-person appointments. For more information, visit www.helloalpha.com  

About Phenomix Sciences

Phenomix Sciences is a precision obesity biotechnology company on a mission to conquer obesity globally using their proprietary genetic tests, unique data sets and advanced analytics. Phenomix leverages data intelligence to yield better accuracy in predicting individual patient response to specific weight loss interventions and reducing the variability in weight loss results for patients. For more information, please visit www.phenomixsciences.com